8 Things That Make Your Facebook Page Suck

Here’s something worth considering. Your Facebook page might suck!

On the other hand it could be quite good at engaging your audience. But you’ve probably noticed some brand pages that aren’t doing such a stellar job. And you promptly decided to limit the information you want from them, or worse just mercilessly unliked the page.

Your Facebook page can be a great outpost for your business to attract leads and close more sales. In fact, 80% of social media users prefer connecting with brands on Facebook. Which makes the social network the go-to place for your social media marketing

So what are the things to look out for – and make sure your Facebook page doesn’t suck?

8 Reasons Why Your Facebook Page Sucks

1. No Content Strategy

Make sure you understand what you want to get out of Facebook before setting up a page. Don’t join just because everyone else is doing it. Develop a content strategy and make your goals clear. Establish the role your Page will play and what content you want to post. Doing so will help you determine whether Facebook is the right place for you.

2. Posting Too Frequently

While posting regularly is sound advice. Publishing too much information can get tad too much, especially if it fills up people’s newsfeed. And it’s also the number one reason why people don’t like brands on Facebook. Remember talking too much keeps the relationship one-sided and the loud mouths are the ones people avoid most.

3. Posting Nothing At All

The polar opposite of posting too much – not posting anything at all! You’re trying to build relationships here, and can’t do that if you’re silent. You need to find that middle ground for yourself. You’ll find stats about the best times to post, but from experience there isn’t a time that suits every business

4. You’re Posting The Same Things

Publishing the same things over and over again can get a tiny bit tedious. Mix up your status updates by including pictures, videos, funny stories and the odd office prank. In other words post things that are relevant to your business.

5. Not Engaging

The great thing about social media is that it’s a two-way communication channel. Speak with your audience, start a conversation, ask them a question. People like to feel valued, and by actively seeking their input you strengthen their affinity with your business

6. Not Responding To Comments

Following up from the previous point. Responding to comments when appropriate is a must! Especially if someone is experiencing problem or has a complaint – you have to be the one to address it head on. This tells people you care about their satisfaction and that you’re accessible.

7. Long Status Updates

How long is too long? Well if people need to click “Continue reading…” then it’s too long. Facebook isn’t the place for lengthy updates. It’s an outpost, not the command center for your content. If you do have something really important to say, direct them to your site where they’ll find more information.

8. Not Offering Value To Your Audience

The top 3 reasons why people like a brand page is to stay up-to-date on promotions, special discounts and free giveaways. Obviously if you’re not doing these things and giving back to the community, folks will have less reason to pay attention to you.

Of course delivering value doesn’t just mean giving away free stuff and announcing discounts. It’s also answering questions, directing people to great content (other than your own), promoting local events, and honoring a fan every week with a special mention.

With Facebook boasting 845 million monthly active users – it’s worth making sure you’re doing everything correctly and not getting on people’s nerves. Carve out a plan, make sure you’re not committing any of the things mentioned in this post and you’re all set.

Curious about what to post? Be sure to check out: What To Publish When You’re Short on Ideas?

Photo by Johan Larsson

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