Four Ways To Find Out What Keywords Your Customers Use For Greater Visibility Online

How do people find you online? Chances are they do a Google search, and focus on the first page of results to find what they’re looking for. But in order for your business to be on the first page, you need to know what keywords your customers are using to search for products or services you deliver.

When we consider that 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine. Ranking highly for keywords relevant to your offering needs to be one of your most important things on your inbound marketing to-do list.

So, how do you find out what keywords to use for greater visibility online? Here are four simple ways that will definitely help you out.

Four Ways To Find Out What Keywords Your Customers Are Using

1. Use keyword tools to brainstorm

A valuable tool for brainstorming keywords is Google Adwords: Keyword Tool (free).

It allows you to see words people are searching for, how many visitors it attracts and how competitive the word is and other suggestions to work with.

You’ll usually find keywords you had not thought of before, from which you can start creating content around those words and begin ranking highly for them.

2. Ask your customers and sales team

The best source of information usually comes from your own customers. You might be at a trade show where you’ll be chatting with potential customers, or attending similar networking events.

Nevertheless, this is the perfect opportunity to pay close attention to their reaction after you describe what your business does. Do they seem confused? Maybe they compare it something they’re more familiar with? Or perhaps they used different words to explain your offering?

For instance, you might be selling running shoes, and talking about them in your online content. But instead, you notice people are calling them athletics shoes when you’re chatting with them.

3. Look at your analytics

A simple way to find out how people are coming to your site and the keywords they are using is through your web analytics.

Google Analytics lets you view where your traffic is coming from, and if it’s via search engines, it also displays the keywords people are typing.

Another tool that comes in handy to see how your keywords are performing is our very own platform, Cuutio. That lets you connect to Google Analytics to see how your keywords are performing and your search engine rank positions (SERP).

4. Check out the competition’s content

There is also no harm in checking out the competition’s content either to see what keywords they are using. Nonetheless, you should use this step to distinguish yourself from the competition and only use their content for inspiration.

Look for keywords your competitors use and come up with your own words to describe how your business is better. Emphasize your strengths to positively differentiate yourself from the competition.

That’s it for this week. Have you got any more tips on finding keywords for greater visibility online? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to sign up for your free Cuutio account today!

Photo credit: gerlos via Flickr

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